Nicole Sparbanie
Teaching Portfolio
Technology Experience
During my time at Hope College I have enjoyed learning about a wide variety of technology that can be used in education.
I have seen it used in a variety of different ways in classes and field placements, and have grown confident in my ability to use technology wisely and effectively in the classroom with my own students.
Document Cameras:
I have found document cameras to be particularly helpful when modeling writing or reading practices. I have had experience using them while teaching, and feel confident in my abilities to use them well.
I have been able to practice using SmartBoards in my classes at Hope, and am proficient in using them to interact with class material and texts.
GoogleDrive and GoogleClassroom:
I use both Google Drive and Google Classroom to organize nearly all my paperwork, student work, and planning. I feel very comfortable using both of these applications.
I am very comfortable using PCs and navigating the common applications available on these computers.

Mac Computers:
The school at which I am currently student teaching, Holland Christian High School, enjoys 1:1 technology resources for students. Each high school student recieves a MacBookPro laptop to use, which they return upon graduation.
This was my first experience with Macs, but I quickly learned how to use these computers to aid instruction. I use my laptop nearly everyday in class to project material, show youtube videos, and model writing practices for students.